Crystal Dynamics just confirmed that Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will not come the PC. It will cost $60 and will run at 1080p, a full rebuilt of the original version. According to the team, the game was designed for the consoles (Xbox One & PlayStation 4) “FROM THE GROUND UP” as per their words. They […]
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China lifts the console ban!
14 years ago, 2000… China had banned almost all major international consoles stating that it has a negative impact on an individual’s physical and mental health. Although, reports from Reuters state that the Chinese State Council has now lifted the ban for three console manufacturers (Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo) provided that they can make the […]

Grand Theft Auto V (PC) – Rumor Release; February
Everyday is like a new hope for all the PC gamers who are eagerly waiting to try GTA 5 on their hardcore systems. Another rumor has been added to the tally! Earlier, an employee at Amazon had said that the game is releasing in March and the announcement will be made on 24th of December […]

Devil’s Third is almost done!
Devil’s Third – a game under development by the creators of Dead or Alive is said to be almost complete, 80% to be precise. Tomonobu Itagaki (the creator of Dead or Alive) told 4GAMERS “Next year will be the year we’ll be releasing the console game, Devil’s Third, At the moment, it is about 80 […]

Sony’s PlayStation 4, Rockstars’ Grand Theft Auto V top U.K charts (2013)
A research carried out by GfK Chart-Track has revealed that Sony’s PlayStation 4 sold 530,000 units in the United Kingdom ever since its release (on November 29th) However, Xbox One managed to grab 364,000 only… even though it was on sale a week earlier (November 22nd) Sony’s revenue is expected to be around £181.6 million […]

Gaming, a legitimate sport?
2013 has come to an end, just like every other year…the number of competitive (lan/online) gamers kept on increasing. The question is whether gaming can be categorized into the “SPORTS” category or not? HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel debated on the topic. Bernard Goldberg, who is a Fox News correspondent joked on how millions […]

Mark Pincus requests the president to pardon Snowden
You might have heard of the meeting at the White House which involved all the technology giants. President Obama and the Vice President talked to a number of representatives (Facebook, Zynga, Yahoo, Twitter) regarding the National Security and other topics to boost the country’s economy. It is being said that Zynga’s giant Mark Pincus had […]
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